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Buy WalnutFest Gala 2014 Tickets
"WalnutFest" Gala!
Don't forget the Eagle when you're Holiday Shopping this season!
Our Silent Auction & "Buy-an-Egg" nest
need your help!
Buy WalnutFest Gala 2014 Tickets
We need you to donate great items, services, & Gift Cards!!
We encourage you to take advantage of the special offers and deals that retailers and restaurants offer to holiday shoppers. Get that special something, or that extra gift card to donate to WalnutFest! We really depend on the Walnut Hills High School
Community for help on this event.
This year you can do 2x the good deeds. Buy your gift cards from the "After-Prom" Committee and then donate them back to "WalnutFest"!!
Bring, or mail your donations (with Donor Form) to :
Walnut Hills High School 3250 Victory Parkway, 45207
To arrange for Pick-up of items, or questions, contact:
Janet Huston at
or Diane Brueggemann at
*Please Remember that
all donations to WalnutFest are tax deductible,
as allowable by law.